Tiny Courses

Empower Your Journey: Transformative Workshops for Women Over 50

Short, focused online courses providing valuable tools, ideas, and methods to embrace your power, wisdom, and rejuvenate your spirit as you navigate the beautiful journey of aging.

Tiny Courses. Big Results.

No time for lengthy courses? No worries! These compact online workshops deliver powerful support and direction whenever the moment calls.

They’re the perfect solution for potent support and direction whenever you need it.

The Tiny Course Library

Flipping the Coin:

A Revolutionary Mindset Tool for Women Embracing Change

Are you at a crossroads in life, looking to shed old patterns and embrace your evolving self?

‘Flipping the Coin’ is not just a course; it's your pathway to transformation. Tailored specifically for women navigating significant life transitions, this audio workshop empowers you to master life's challenges and redefine your direction with confidence and clarity.

Return to Center:

Reconnecting with Your True Self in Turbulent Times

A Guided Meditation. The antidote for a bad day

Immerse yourself in ‘Return to Center',’ a soulful guided meditation tailored specifically for women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. This meditation is your pathway to clarity and calm amidst the shifting sands of menopause and life’s increasing demands. Let go of daily stressors and reconnect with your true essence.